The exponential growth of Social Media Marketing and it’s future

There are currently 48 million active social media users in the UK; 67% of the UK population. The average person in the UK spends 110 minutes on social media per day with social media penetration covering up to 66%, whilst internet penetration is 94.4%

The exponential growth of Social Media Marketing has created a marketing goldmine for businesses, allowing opportunities for companies to interact with the consumer in a way that was never possible before social platforms. Throughout 2020 and the height of Covid, 79.9% of the UK population were using YouTube, 73% Facebook, 52.2% Instagram and 22.3% TikTok. Social media advertising grew by 37.7% in 2018, 21.8% in 2020 and another 22.7% throughout 2021.


What does the future for Social Media Marketing look like?

In the past, communication between marketer and consumer was a ‘one-way’ system. Due to the rise in popularity for Artificial Intelligence and the use of chatbots for online businesses, many marketers are using social media as an effective sales tool to have a more direct communication between themselves and their audience. Social media allows you to reach out to a large population and share multiple messages across a variety of different channels. The younger generation (ages 16-24) are growing up with a social media presence and are the largest group to use social media, meaning their future networking system and retail is based online, with an expected 39.3% growth in social media advertising over the next 4 years.


HOWEVER, using Social Media for marketing does have it’s downfalls. The biggest one being that there is security and privacy-related issues. When you used social media platforms in order to advertise, you must surrender your information. The presence of online diminishes the ability to communicate face-to-face and gives people a licence to be hurtful, risking negative publicity and a lack of control.


Here at Cosonas, we aim to make your online marketing easier to help boost your business. Get in touch now via email at or check out our Facebook Page.


Do you want to learn about the growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the effect on online marketing? Click Here