
Transformative AI-Powered Recruitment and Hiring Solutions

Key results

60% Improved Recruitment Efficiency

+80% Positive Candidate Experience


Introducing the Intelligent Recruitment Hub—a cutting-edge platform designed to revolutionize your hiring process. Our portal allows candidates to submit their CVs and complete tailored, skill-specific screening questionnaires. With advanced automation, score and filter candidates based on the responses, Intelligent Recruitment Hub is making recruitment faster and more efficient. Perfect for HR departments and recruitment agencies, our solution alleviates common frustrations with AI in hiring. Accessible on both desktop and mobile devices, the portal also boasts robust security and compliance features to safeguard your data.


  1. Streamline Hiring Processes: Simplify and accelerate the recruitment workflow through automated CV screening and filtering.
  2. Enhance Candidate Assessment: Utilize skill-specific questionnaires to better assess candidates’ qualifications and fit for the role.
  3. Improve Efficiency for HR Departments: Reduce the manual workload for HR teams by automating candidate scoring and filtering.
  4. Address AI-Related Hiring Frustrations: Offer a solution that effectively integrates AI to improve the hiring process while mitigating common issues associated with AI in recruitment.
  5. Ensure Accessibility and Flexibility: Provide a user-friendly experience on both desktop and mobile devices to accommodate various user preferences.
  6. Maintain Security and Compliance: Implement robust security measures and compliance features to protect sensitive data and ensure adherence to industry standards.

Key Technologies

Cosonas harnesses technology and agile methods for digital success

Frontend Development: React was utilized to build a dynamic and responsive user interface, ensuring a seamless experience for both candidates and admins. The UI/UX was designed using Figma, allowing for user-friendly navigation and efficient interaction.

Backend Development: Node.JS and Express.JS powered the server-side operations, handling data processing, scoring algorithms, and real-time notifications. This setup provided a scalable and performant backend.

Database Management: MongoDB was used to store candidate data, CVs, and screening results. Its flexible schema supported the diverse needs of the application, from handling various document types to storing detailed performance metrics.

AI Integration: Advanced AI algorithms were implemented to detect AI-generated content, verify credentials, and adapt questionnaires based on candidate responses.

Security & Compliance: Robust security measures, including data encryption and compliance checks, ensured that candidate data was protected and managed according to regulatory standards.

Serviced  Provided

Business Analysis

Business Analysis

Business Analysis

Business Analysis

Business Analysis

Business Analysis


Discovery and Planning

Conduct market research and define project scope. Deliverables include user personas, competitor analysis, and a project plan. This phase lays the groundwork by identifying user needs and market opportunities.

2-4 Weeks

Wireframe and Design

Create wireframes and design prototypes to establish the visual layout and user experience.

3-5 weeks

Backend Development

Develop server-side logic with Node.js and Express.js, incorporating real-time features and AI processing. Deliverables include a fully functional backend system, ensuring robust data handling.

8-12 weeks

Frontend Development

Build the user interface using React, integrating designs from Figma. Deliverables are a responsive and dynamic frontend, providing a seamless user experience across devices.

8-10 weeks

Testing and Quality Assurance

Conduct comprehensive testing of all features to ensure reliability. Deliverables include testing reports and a bug-free platform, guaranteeing high quality.

4-6 weeks

Deployment and Launch

Prepare for launch by deploying to production and initiating marketing efforts. Deliverables are a live platform and initial user engagement metrics.

1-2 weeks

Post-launch Support and Maintenance

Provide ongoing support and monitor performance for continuous improvement. Deliverables include regular updates and performance enhancements, ensuring the platform evolves with user needs.


Key Functionalities and solutions implementation

Transformative Impact of Our Solutions on User Engagement and Content Discovery

  1. Automated scoring and filtering: The system automatically scores candidate responses and filters out those who do not meet the required thresholds. This automation reduces manual effort and increases the accuracy of candidate selection.
  2. Customizable Screening Questionnaires: Ability to create and manage skill-specific questionnaires tailored to assess candidates’ qualifications effectively.
  3. AI Integration: AI tools analyze CVs for signs of AI generation, verify credentials against publicly available information, and adapt questionnaire difficulty in real-time. This ensures a more accurate assessment of candidate skills and authenticity.
  4. User-Friendly Interface and Experience Design: The portal features a clean, modern design, ensuring easy navigation for candidates and efficient management tools for admins. More, an intuitive, easy-to-navigate platform accessible on both desktop and mobile devices, enhancing user experience for candidates and recruiters.
  5. Advanced Analytics and Reporting: Tools to generate detailed reports and insights on recruitment metrics, helping to optimize hiring strategies.
    • Admin Features: Admins have access to customizable questionnaires, real-time dashboards, and bulk management tools. Features such as automated scoring, analytics, and security compliance help streamline the recruitment process.
    • Candidate Features: Candidates benefit from a user-friendly interface, personalized job recommendations, progress tracking, real-time notifications, and document management. This enhances their overall experience and engagement with the portal.
  6. Robust Security and Compliance: Strong security protocols and compliance features to safeguard data and ensure adherence to regulations like GDPR.

Increased Stats and Figures


Improved Recruitment Efficiency with the portal cutting down CV screening time and ensuring only qualified candidates progressed.


Enhanced Accuracy and Reliability as AI tools identified inconsistencies in CVs and verified credentials.


High Admin Satisfaction from recruitment agencies and HR departments due to customizable features and real-time insights.