Optimising a Logistics Enterprise’s Digital Ecosystem

Key results

5x cost cut using apps for warehouse operations

230% increase in mobile user retention


Aramex, a disruptive leader in the global logistics and transportation industry, was seeking a technology partner to help them build a digital ecosystem for managing all their digital assets in one centralised location. The company partnered with ELEKS to design and implement a set of business-critical consumer-facing and operational apps. After implementing ELEKS’ solution, Aramex was able to automate workflows, gain new insights from its data, and enhance visibility and efficiency throughout its entire operational and business ecosystem.



Service Provided






Parallel delivery of a set of consumer-facing and operational apps

The range of services provided by ELEKS includes full-cycle product development, covering:

  • Business analysis
  • Product design
  • Software architecture
  • Data science
  • Software development
  • Quality assurance
  • Implementation

Thanks to our flexibility in adjusting delivery volume, the ELEKS team for Aramex grew from 10 to 50 members within the first three months of partnership.

  • Aramex Website: ELEKS revamped the user experience and optimized the performance of aramex.com, earning the Sitefinity Site of Quarter Q1 2017 Award.
  • Aramex Internal Systems: ELEKS has delivered several projects, including powerful tools for integrated logistics, capacity planning, international and domestic express delivery, and freight forwarding.
  • Reach Mobile: The mobile app, created by ELEKS from scratch, enables the Aramex sales force to become more agile and brings daily planning to a new level of efficiency.
  • Aramex Mobile: The new mobile application allows Aramex customers to manage their entire delivery experience using their mobile phones.
The solution

Parallel delivery of a set of consumer-facing and operational apps

The range of services provided by ELEKS covers full-cycle product development and includes business analysis, product design, software architecture, data science, software development, quality assurance and implementation. Thanks to our ability to adjust the delivery volume quickly, the Aramex team at ELEKS has grown from 10 to 50 people in just the first three months of our partnership.

Featured products delivered by ELEKS are:

  • Aramex website. ELEKS experts revamped the user experience and helped boost the performance of aramex.com. The site received Sitefinity’s Site of Quarter Q1 2017 Award.
  • Aramex Internal Systems. ELEKS has delivered many projects, including powerful tools for integrated logistics, capacity planning, international and domestic express delivery and freight forwarding.
  • Reach Mobile. The mobile app, created by ELEKS from scratch, allows the Aramex sales force to become more agile and brings their daily planning to an entirely new level of efficiency.
  • Aramex Mobile. The new mobile application allows Aramex customers to manage the entire delivery experience using their mobile phone.
  • Shop & Ship. ELEKS is supporting one of Aramex’s key technology growth drivers, its Shop & Ship (S&S) solution. We also helped Aramex design and implement the brand-new subscription plan for its clients.
  • Optimizing Big Data storage and migrating to Azure enabled Aramex to lower operating costs, bolster resilience, and boost performance.
  • Implementation of new machine learning models yielded valuable operational and customer insights for Aramex, optimizing delivery times and minimizing courier calls.

In order to get the whole pipeline of projects off the ground and set up the development process, the ELEKS teams conducted several types of research and user interviews during four onsite discoveries at the Aramex office in Amman. Aramex highly appreciated that ELEKS acted as a technology consultant, contributing ideas and challenging requirements, rather than following the regular outsourcing model. This approach perfectly aligns with the innovative and fast-paced way of doing business at Aramex.

Key Technologies Used
  1. Robust product inventory with multiple categories and subcategories
  2. Integration to client’s SAP serving as an ERP & stock management system
  3. Multiple payment methods and multiple integrated payment providers
  4. Advanced promotions and occasional sales (e.g. Black Friday sale)
  1. Robust product inventory with multiple categories and subcategories
  2. Integration to client’s SAP serving as an ERP & stock management system
  3. Multiple payment methods and multiple integrated payment providers
  4. Advanced promotions and occasional sales (e.g. Black Friday sale)
Key Technologies Used

Business Analysis

Business Analysis

Business Analysis

Business Analysis

Business Analysis

Business Analysis

Our Result

Explore the results of our efforts on key projects.


significant increase in sales growth


increase in client productivity after implementing our IT solutions.


achieved by businesses in cost savings through IT optimization

Talk to an expert.

Empowering a wide range of industries with tailored software solutions to meet their unique challenges.

Financial Service Case Study


A financial services company specializing in wealth management, investment advisory, and loan services approached us with the need to modernize their digital infrastructure. The company served a diverse client base, including retail and institutional clients, and was struggling to keep up with increasing demands due to their outdated systems. The existing platform lacked essential features such as integrated financial tools, automated reporting, and secure client portals, all of which were critical for enhancing client experience and managing complex financial portfolios. Additionally, manual processes were leading to inefficiencies, increased operational costs, and compliance challenges. The firm required an innovative web solution that would streamline operations, support future growth, and ensure compliance with strict financial regulations. 


The company was facing several significant challenges that were hindering its ability to grow and provide a seamless client experience: 

  • Manual Processes: Key operations such as portfolio management, client onboarding, and financial reporting were being handled manually, leading to delays, errors, and higher operational costs. 
  • Lack of Integration: Their existing systems were not integrated, creating data silos across departments, which complicated the management of client information and financial transactions. 
  • Compliance Issues: Meeting regulatory requirements was becoming increasingly difficult due to the lack of automated audit trails, secure data storage, and compliance monitoring tools. 
  • Outdated Client Experience: The platform lacked a user-friendly client portal, making it difficult for clients to access real-time data on their investments, track loan applications, or communicate securely with advisors. This outdated user experience led to lower client satisfaction and engagement. 
  • Scalability Concerns: The existing infrastructure was not scalable, limiting the company’s ability to expand its offerings or serve a larger client base effectively. 

Strategic Plan 

Custom Financial Platform Development 

  • Objective: Develop a comprehensive, scalable digital platform that automates core financial operations, integrates critical systems, and provides a secure, seamless experience for clients and internal teams. 
  • Action: We designed and developed a custom web platform tailored specifically for the financial services industry, incorporating advanced security features, compliance tools, and a user-friendly interface. Key improvements included: 
  • Integrated Financial Tools: The new platform integrated all financial tools, including portfolio management, risk assessment, and financial reporting, into a single system. This eliminated data silos and ensured that all departments had access to real-time financial data. 
  • Automated Client Onboarding & Reporting: We automated the client onboarding process, streamlining document collection, verification, and KYC (Know Your Customer) compliance. Additionally, automated financial reporting features allowed the company to generate detailed, compliant reports instantly, reducing manual effort and errors. 
  • Secure Client Portal: A user-friendly, fully secure client portal was implemented, enabling clients to track their investments, view real-time portfolio performance, apply for loans, and communicate with advisors through secure messaging. This enhanced the client experience by providing transparency and easy access to information. 

Enhanced Compliance and Security Features 

  • Objective: Ensure the platform met stringent financial regulatory requirements and protected sensitive client data. 
  • Action: We integrated several critical compliance and security features to align with industry regulations and ensure data security: 
  • Automated Compliance Monitoring: The platform included real-time compliance monitoring tools that automatically tracked regulatory changes, generated audit trails, and flagged any non-compliant activities. 
  • Data Encryption and Secure Storage: To protect sensitive financial data, we implemented end-to-end encryption, multi-factor authentication, and secure data storage practices. This ensured the company met data protection standards and significantly reduced the risk of data breaches. 
  • Audit Trail & Reporting: A comprehensive audit trail system was implemented, allowing the company to track all financial transactions and user actions. This facilitated easy regulatory audits and internal reviews, minimizing the risk of compliance issues. 

Operational Efficiency and Scalability 

  • Objective: Automate manual workflows and ensure the platform could scale to meet future demands without compromising performance or security. 
  • Action: The new platform was designed to improve operational efficiency and support future growth: 
  • Workflow Automation: Key processes such as loan approval, portfolio rebalancing, and client communications were automated, reducing the time and labor required to manage daily operations. This led to significant reductions in operational costs and processing times. 
  • Scalability: The platform was built with scalability in mind, allowing the company to easily add new services, onboard more clients, and expand to new markets without overhauling the system infrastructure. The modular design also ensured that future regulatory changes could be incorporated smoothly. 

Advanced Analytics and Insights 

  • Objective: Provide actionable insights through real-time data analytics to improve decision-making and business growth. 
  • Action: We integrated advanced analytics tools into the platform that allowed the company to: 
  • Real-Time Financial Data Analysis: The system provided real-time data on client portfolios, loan performance, and market trends, allowing financial advisors to make informed decisions and offer timely advice to clients. 
  • Client Behavior Analysis: The platform tracked client interactions, preferences, and financial behaviors, enabling the company to offer personalized services and improve client retention. 
  • Predictive Analytics for Growth: Predictive analytics tools were implemented to identify market opportunities and risks, helping the company plan for future growth and optimize their service offerings. 


  • Improved Operational Efficiency: Automating core processes and integrating backend systems reduced manual tasks by 60%, resulting in faster transaction processing and lower operational costs. 
  • Enhanced Compliance and Data Security: The implementation of compliance monitoring tools, secure data storage, and end-to-end encryption ensured the company adhered to all relevant financial regulations while significantly lowering the risk of data breaches. 
  • Higher Client Satisfaction: The launch of a user-friendly client portal allowed clients to manage their portfolios, apply for loans, and communicate with advisors more easily, leading to a 35% improvement in client satisfaction and retention. 
  • Increased Scalability: The new platform’s modular and scalable architecture allowed the company to expand its offerings, onboard new clients seamlessly, and enter new markets with minimal disruption to existing operations. 
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Real-time analytics and reporting tools enabled the company to make more informed business decisions, resulting in better financial performance and client outcomes. 


By delivering a comprehensive and secure digital platform, we enabled the financial services company to streamline its operations, enhance client satisfaction, and ensure regulatory compliance. Our tailored web solution integrated critical financial tools, automated key workflows, and provided advanced analytics that supported both internal efficiency and external growth. As a result, the company experienced significant improvements in operational efficiency, scalability, and client engagement, positioning them for sustained growth in the competitive financial services industry.