Google Analytics 360 : L’arme secrète pour des cas d’usage réussis
Aujourd’hui les annonceurs doivent constamment adapter et affiner leurs approches marketing afin de toucher les bonnes personnes avec le bon message au bon moment. Mais cette course vers le “data driven marketing” nécessite de plus en plus sou
How Sales Organisations Can Survive In A Socially-Distanced World
In April 2020, 3.9 billion people were in lockdown across 90 countries. Even as quarantine measures are scaled back, lead generation activities and sales pipelines are coming under immense pressure. According to the US Travel association, executives
Evolution Of TikTok During The COVID Crisis
With 10 million users in the UK, TikTok is the latest ‘big thing’ in social media. A truly viral content factory, TikTok is mainly aimed at generations Z and Y with an audience that skews female: 59% of users in the UK. While its global reach is